Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find out my group hours?
Most of your personal information, including your group hours, can be found on the member portal. After you log in go to “Eligibility & Activity” on the top of the screen and scroll down to the appropriate stabilization period.
I’m short on hours—how do I apply for the Supplemental Unemployment/Underemployment or Welfare benefit?
To apply for any SASMI benefit, you can contact SASMI and we will send one out to you or you can contact your local union. A Local Union Representative will need to sign your application before it can be processed by SASMI.
If I take advantage of a SASMI benefit while I’m an active participant, will it reduce my future benefits?
In most cases, receiving a benefit as an active member reduces your retiree (HCRA) benefit. However, benefits like the Annual Physical Exam Benefit and the Vaccination Benefit are not “deduct” benefits and will not have an impact on your future active or retiree SASMI benefits.
Can I receive the Welfare Benefit and the Unemployment Benefit at the same time?
Yes you can! You can apply for both benefits during the same stabilization period. Receipt of the Welfare Benefit will not reduce your Supplemental Unemployment/Underemployment benefit.
What if I lose my member portal login information?
Visit the member portal and click on “Need a New Login” to get started. There’s also a quick video you can watch to help you register. Note that you will need your IA Number (must enter 8 digits), Social Security Number, and date of birth to register.
If I become disabled, can I collect the Supplemental Unemployment Benefit?
Yes. If you’re not working, or you’re working less than the average number of hours due to an illness or injury, you are eligible for benefits even if you are not receiving state unemployment benefits. To receive the benefit, you must provide medical documentation of your inability to work. You can contact SASMI and we will send one out to you or you can contact your local union. A Local Union Representative will need to sign your application before it can be processed by SASMI.
How do I set up direct deposit for my benefits?
You can enter your bank account information and set up direct deposit from the member portal when you apply for online benefits, like the Annual Physical Benefit. Just upload a copy of a voided check. If you had previously applied for an online benefit, verify the information on file is still correct. If so, you will not need to upload another copy of a canceled check.
Can I use my HCRA to pay for retiree health care premiums?
Yes! If your local union welfare plan allows it, you can set up automatic payments of your premiums from your HCRA account. If your welfare fund is not able to do this, then you may submit claims for reimbursement.
If I pass away before I retire, what happens to all my money?
If you pass away prior to retirement and if the contributions made on your behalf are greater than the benefits paid out, you may qualify for the Death Benefit. The benefit payable is based on a schedule using your years of Future Service Credit. Your surviving spouse is also eligible for up to 18 months of COBRA Continuation Coverage.
If I pass away after I retire, what happens to all my money?
Your HCRA can still be accessed by your surviving spouse. Your beneficiary may be eligible for the Retiree Death Benefit, depending on how many years you’ve been retired.
How do I change my bank account information?
You can change your bank account information and set up direct deposit only when you apply for online benefits through the member portal. If the information on file is no longer correct, you will need to upload a copy of a voided check to make changes. You can also contact the office and a representative can assist you.
How can I check to see how much I have in SASMI benefits?
You can check your SASMI benefits, including how much has been contributed, how much SASMI has paid to you, or how much you have in your HCRA on the member portal.
My daughter needs an annual physical. Does she receive a benefit?
Yes! If they’re covered under your local’s health plan as your dependent, you will be eligible to receive SASMI’s Annual Physical Benefit on their behalf for receiving a physical exam. Spouses and children are eligible for $100 each per calendar year. As the member, you are eligible for $200 per calendar year. The maximum the whole family can receive each year is $600 total.
What is the 10% rule?
If you have received Supplemental Unemployment/Underemployment Benefits for two benefit periods, you are not eligible for either the third or fourth period of benefits unless you worked at least 10% of the applicable group hours in the previous stabilization period or had a verified disability.
What is the 200% rule?
In general, you cannot receive active benefits that equal more than 200% of the contributions received on your behalf. Your eligibility to receive benefits that equal up to 200% of contributions is capped at $100,000 in benefits. If you have received benefits equal to or in excess of $100,000, additional benefits will only be paid up to 100% of the contributions paid on your behalf.
What is “recycling”?
If your eligibility for SASMI benefits ends after you receive benefits for 1, 2 or 3 stabilization periods, you can become eligible (or recycle) once you meet the initial eligibility requirements again. If you work during a stabilization period and you draw a SASMI active benefit, that period cannot be counted toward reestablishing eligibility.
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